tAke ThIS Too! :)

say what ever u can say but! dont mess up with me. get that? :p

Tuesday 29 November 2011

luahan perasaan seketika

the words tht i always heard is 'jgn putus kn silaturahim' but in my case,there's smeone yg act like dia tau all things and try to be smart enough but dia sndri yg yg try jauh kn dri. oh my..konon je la solat,buat baik dpn org but you are backstabber tau! jual cte org dgn air mata murah kau tu. x payah la. kau buat cte a.k.a fitnah yg semmgnya org semua tau fitnah itu dosa paling berat = membunuh but kau dgn ayat konon baik la pergi jaja cte. perh! aku mmg salute la. laki kau pun mls nk amik tau psl kau la perempuan. kau fkir kau tu baik sgt ke ha? time kau sakit dlu,sape tlg kau?time kau meroyan gila dlu sape tlg kau? perempuan x sedar dri. bdn mcm drum. kau mmg binatang tau x!

Monday 28 November 2011

stdy stdy stdy

superb stdy! so sucks! today,study just bout an hour. im bored and tired of studying. bila nak habis spm ni??? god,pls help me :'(

Friday 25 November 2011

dap n dup

I love your eyes,
but i love my eyes more
because without mine,
i  cant see yours. 

I love u
because u complete my day

I love u
because u change my schedule

I love u
because u are you!

the only word i  can say is I LOVE YOU <3


2 more paper to go. chemistry and engneering drawing. both my fav subject. wish i can score A+ and on 6 Dec,freedom come to mama! hahahaha. wht a life ang i knw my day after tht will shine like a sunshine :)

Friday 4 November 2011

im shcared :(

oh spm..its only bout a week more for. i have to study. spm..i hope i can score the best one! pray for me :)
what bout my future?after spm? what should i do?future..simple word with a lot of magical idea could be appear. hope my future will colour with full of rainbows :)